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What You On? Remember Magoo

What the fuck happened to Magoo? Earlier today I was searching through Youtube and a link for one of my favorite songs popped up. "Writing Rhymes" was a song featured on the 1997 release "Welcome to our World". While not one many remember, I still did, word for word. I was a huge fan of Timbaland & Magoo and though I was only in 5th grade, I kept the cassette tape case (album book & all) until my OG throughout all my shit when I moved. I don't think I had any friends who even liked these niggaz, what are some of your picks of music you couldn't understand why you liked, and nobody else listened too.


  1. Noreaga melvin flynt the hustler! and Choclair Ice Cold....
    i had this timbo joint too!


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