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Focus: Company Men (Movie Pick of the week)

Let's just say this is not a MUST SEE MOVIE. If your a movie head and need something to see that is better than the most the shit on TV. Look no further "The Company Men" follows the journey of Three different men (Ben Affleck, Chris Cooper,and Tommy Lee Jones) and the fall all three emn took when the economy changed. All men white collar employees climbing the corporate ladder Affleck the lowest, Cooper in middle management, Jones upper level and their lives after during and after the lost of employment. Its hard to not tell you the movie, because the plot is so good. The three men all handle the uncertainty different ways and it makes for a very entertaining movie. On second thought, you might wanna check this out ASAP  Hahaha 

Check it out via Starz streamin, or Netflix Dvd. Otherwise get it how you get it!


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