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Interview: Tay600 talks with @HipHopsRevival (@TaySixO @JassyRozay @ChuckStarFilms)

Jassy Rozay recently linked w/ independent Chicago artist, Tay600, and got to sit down for a one on one interview.

Tay600 was very open with Jassy during the sit down. The two talk about his upcoming project “My Brothers Keeper 2,” and how the tape is a tribute to his late brother L’A Capone. Tay tell’s Jassy how he just recently started to open up about L’A’s death within the past 6 months.

Tay also talked with HHR about backing away from drill and how he thinks the drill scene has watered down. He mentions that he is trying to touch all area’s with music and drill is just his lifestyle.

Tay also touched on a few different street rumors and let us know the truth to them. Near the end, he even spoke on RondoNumbaNine coming home.

This is a interview you do not want to miss.



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