P.J. & Fly TY bring life to a song so cold bro couldn't let it die. "Bussin" is Prince James at his finest T'd up and going crazy. Too bad its so much fuck shit in this great city because had we been able to get this whole joint it would've been even more epic. But it is what it is, this that 057 shit
Hunit Boy Flex heating the Spring up with his latest EP "Heat Check". 5 tracks of heat, short and sweet.Gold Haze on the track and Flex is something real epic. #Dontsleep
Jimbo aka Finesscobar and his brother Loso Lit slide on Only4TheReal to discuss their return to Chicago and their plans musically, financially and so much more. This just part one so #DontSleep IG: @FatherFinessecobar @Loso30
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